Archatrak Sound Absorbing Pads for Base of Pedestals

Sound Absorbing Pads

Reduce sound transmission from plastic or steel paver supports used on roof decks

Paver supports used on pedestal supported rooftop decks which are constructed exclusively with hard polypropylene, ABS, PVC or steel, generally have little ability to absorb noise from pedestrian traffic on the deck, especially if no noise-absorbing material is incorporated in the pedestal head.

Archatrak ‘Prime’ or ‘NM’ paver supports however, are supplied with pedestal heads that incorporate a soft rubber surface, eliminating the need to add in extra rubber shims. These heads can dampen sound by up to 25 dB.

For additional noise reduction, we offer 9″ square, 1/8” thick rubber shock pads which are placed under the base of the pedestals. These pads and can lower sound transmission by a further 18 dB.

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