Parklet Design Guidelines & Resources | Archatrak

Parklet Resource Guide

Selected resources that may assist in investigating the establishment of a parklet in your community.

A primary consideration in designing parklets is to minimize permanent physical impacts on their location. Typically they are designed to be relatively easily installed and removed 
as may be required by the City, and the process must be planned and timed in a way that doesn’t interfere with traffic flow.

All parklets must comply with parklet design guidelines. This includes local regulations and design criteria, acquiring all required permits, meeting ADA requirements, maintaining roadway drainage, allowing for access to any below-ground utilities, being properly insured, having community support, and possessing a maintenance plan. Parklets are normally required to have a local steward, usually, a nearby business or group of businesses who accept the responsibility of keeping the parklet clean and landscaping and street furniture maintained.

The best-designed parklets take into consideration all amenities that would benefit the immediate surroundings, such as benches, lighting structures, planters, landscaping, and vegetation that screen the street seating from traffic while still providing vistas across the street. If bicycle racks can be incorporated into the parklet design, it can increase the number of potential patrons at local businesses and encourage more people to travel by bicycle.

When researching the possibility of establishing a parklet in your locality, keep the following issues in mind.


Pavement to Parks

Reference Sources

Seattle Department of Transportation, "Parklet Handbook"
City of Boston "Boston Parklets Program", "A Guide To Making Street Improvements in San Francisco, Parklets", "Street and Sidewalk Pocket Parks"
Philadelphia Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems, "City of Philadelphia Parklets Guidelines and Application", "University City District Parklet Reports"
National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), "Urban Streets Design Guide for Parklets", "Transforming Public Spaces", "The Case for Parklets: Measuring the Impact on Sidewalk Vitality and Neighborhood Businesses"
New York City Department of Transportation, "Street Seats"
Pavement To Parks, "San Fransisco Parklet Manual"
Seattle Department of Transportation, "Pavement to Parks Overview", "3 Ways that Turning Parking Sots Into Parklets Helps Businesses"
People St, "Los Angeles Department of Transportation, Parklet Program"
New York City Department of Transportation, "Street Seats Program"
Philly Voice, "Parklets Emerge for AIA Convention"
Portland Bureau of Transportation, "Street Seats Pilot Program"
Minneapolis Public Works Department, "Minneapolis 2018 Parklet Program"

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